Egor Reznichenko M.A.

Ancient Languages and Texts (ALT)
Klassische Philologie
Institut für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin
2021 – 2023
“Siberian Athens”: the History of Classical Education in the Tobolsk province (1789–1919), funded by Russian Fundamental Investigations Fund
2021 – 2022
Corpus Latino-Rossicum, participant
2019 – 2023
St. Petersburg State University, Teacher of English
2020 – 2022
Saint Petersburg State University (MA)
2010 – 2012
Saint Petersburg Orthodox Theological Academy (MA)
2007 – 2012
Tobolsk State Social and Pedagogical Academy (BA)
2005 – 2010
Tobolsk Orthodox Theological Seminary (BA)
‘Caelum’ in St. Augustine’s Texts
In my prospective project, I will provide a comprehensive analysis of the word ‘caelum’ from linguistic and extralinguistic points. I will define the place and the function of this notion in Augustine’s philosophical and spatial view of the world. It will be a systematic study of the whole of Augustine’s writings that could be certainly achieved during the period of the scholarship. I will also look to contemporaries as well as predecessors. The most important writings to focus on are Confessiones and ‘De civitate Dei’. Also, I will need to pay particular attention to his exegetical works (e.g. ‘Enarrationes in Psalmos’) because the phrase ‘caelum caeli’ has a biblical origin. Investigating the whole semantic profile of ‘caelum’, I will analyze the strong conceptual relation between ‘caelum’ and God and a human person.
Reznichenko E. Historical and Methodological Aspects of Teaching Latin at the Tobolsk Province Grammar School in the First Half of 19th Century // Izvestia: Herzen University Journal of Humanities and Sciences. 2023. № 207. P. 95–106.
Shumilin M., Reznichenko E. The Latin сorrespondence between F. E. Korsch and G. E. Saenger // Philologia Classica. 2023 (18). № 1. P. 113–124.
Lapteva M., Reznichenko E. The Teaching of Latin at Tobolsk People’s School (1789-1810): Historical, Pegagogical and Methodocal Aspects // Philologia Classica. 2022 (17). № 1. P. 143–158.
Reznichenko E. Verbs of Thinking in St. Augustine’s Texts: Translational Aspects // Languages and cultures. St. Petersburg University, 2021. P. 183–189.
Reznichenko E. Spatial Parameters in the Text of New Testament: Cognitive Analysis // Synergy of languages and cultures. St. Petersburg University, 2020. P. 97–104.